JUST DANCE! (Fall 2025)
Fall semester registration opens May 10.
Our "Just Dance!" class offer students a chance to express themselves in a fun and creative way. Students will dance to a variety of genres while continuing to improve their performance and dance skills. It's a perfect add-on class to our other programs or to take by itself and gain exposure to the performing arts!
$180/semester ($40/mo.)
Our fall semester ends with a fun outdoor performance at the Redfield Elementary School outdoor amphitheatre. It's always a beautiful December day with group performances, baked goods, and hot chocolate.
First day of class: Mon or Tue, August 18-19
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal: Saturday, December 6
Fall Concert : Saturday, December 13
Ages 4 - K
Tuesdays, 4:30pm - 5:00pm
1st & 2nd Grade
Mondays, 5:45pm - 6:15pm
3rd & 4th Grade
Mondays, 4:15pm - 4:45pm
5th - 8th Grade
Tuesdays, 4:00pm - 4:30pm
1st & 2nd Grade Dance: Spring Concert 2019
Additional Class Fees for Fall 2025 Semester
There will be a $45 recital fee and a $20 costume fee for all Just Dance classes. If your child is enrolled in a show choir class, you will only pay one recital fee.
Meet our Just Dance! Instructors
Sofia Sande (instructor) is a sophomore at ASU Barrett studying Neuroscience and Music. She was in show choir for her four years at Horizon High School as well as a member of All-State Show Choir and Regional Honors Choir. Sofia is a classically trained pianist of over 10 years. She looks forward to continuing her passions and teaching her second year at Do Re Mi!
Kinsley Uchacz (assistant instructor) is a junior at Horizon High School and has been a Do Re Mi student since she was 4 years old! She is an Encore member and also a member of Step on Stage in Horizon's show choir program. Kinsley plays the piano and leads youth worship at McDowell Church and has led various children’s activities for many years. She is so excited to be assisting dance her second year with Sofia!