Do you own a small business?
We pride ourselves on being a family owned and operated business and would love to partner with other family businesses right in our very own Do Re Mi community! If you are a current/previous Do Re Mi family and own a business and/or provide a service, we'd love to partner with you in our sponsorship program.
Sponsorship Opportunities
Whether it’s a spot on our home page or an advertisement in one of our programs, we have something for every small business owners budget that may help you and your business acquire a new set of customers (friends doing business with friends).
Program Advertisement
Over 3,000 programs are distributed a year throughout our fall, spring, and summer sessions. Get the word out about your business with an advertisement in one of our programs!
Fall Concert (December) - Approx. 700 attendants
Full Page: $200
Half Page: $120
Quarter Page: $70
Eighth Page: $40
Spring Concert (May) - Approx. 1,200 attendants
Full Page: $300
Half Page: $180
Quarter Page: $110
Eighth Page: $70
Musical Theatre Performance (December, May or July) - 2 evenings w/ approx. 400 attendants per evening
Full Page: $150
Half Page: $90
Quarter Page: $55
Eighth Page: $35
Website Advertisement
Our website,, averages 5,000+ views per year, which is on average, 416 times a month with what could be new customers for you. Be seen by thousands of current and prospective Do Re Mi families who are browsing our site. You can be featured on a “Sponsors” page, home page, or the bottom footer section of our site (seen on every page).
Footer of website (seen on every page): $125/mo. or $1,250/annually ($250 discount)
Homepage (6 rotating spots available): $100/mo. or $1,000/annually ($200 discount)
Sponsors Page: $50/mo. or $500/annually ($100 discount)
E-mail Newsletter
Be a sponsor in our e-mail newsletter with over 1,300 recipients! We send out approx. 5-7 newsletters a year to our Do Re Mi families to remind them about upcoming registration and events. There’s room for you on that email newsletter too!
Newsletter Send Schedule
February: Summer Company registration launch
May: Fall registration launch & Summer reminder
July: Fall registration reminder
November: Spring Registration Launch
$150/newsletter or $750/annually ($300 discount)
Fall Concert Booth
Connect with hundreds of students and their families at our fall concert at Redfield Elementary School. Set up a booth to showcase your small business and speak with prospective customers.
Billboard Sponsor Advertisement
Be noticed at the entrance of one of our many musical theatre performances throughout the year. Do Re Mi produces 10+ concerts/performances a year. With audiences ranging between 200-1,200+ people, that’s a lot of potential for new customers.