Musical Theatre (Fall 2025)
Fall semester registration opens May 10.


Musical theatre performances combine song and dance with spoken dialogue and acting. Our musical theatre classes give students the opportunity to learn and refine their skills in these areas in a safe and fun environment while practicing for the end result: a musical theatre performance!

Taught by: Lindsey & Michael

Troopers - Musical Theatre Classes Scottsdale

Troopers: 1st - 4th grade

In this introduction to musical theatre, students will perform short versions of musical theatre classics while gaining a foundation in acting, singing and dancing. *Must be taken with the show choir class, Notables or Act One.* Students are required to provide their own costumes.

Mondays, 4:45pm - 5:45pm,
$290/semester ($65/mo.) - 1/2 mo. for August

First day of class:
Monday, August 18
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal: Monday, December 8 (regular class time)
Performance Dates:
Monday & Tuesday, December 15 & 16

Players - Musical Theatre Classes Scottsdale

Players: 5th - 8th grade *registration closed*

This group of dedicated performers produce more advanced and challenging musical productions while gaining a foundation in acting, singing and dancing. *Must be taken with the show choir class, Spotlighters.* Students are required to provide their own costumes.

Tuesdays, 5:15pm - 6:45pm,
$338/semester ($75/mo.) - 1/2 mo. for August

First day of class: Tuesday, August 19
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal: Tuesday, December 9 (regular class time)
Performance Dates:
Monday & Tuesday, December 15 & 16

Visit our FAQ page for some helpful information!

Our Philosophy

When you see a musical at Do Re Mi, you'll notice that it's a bit of a challenge to follow the lead characters, as the faces keep changing. We are very proud of this little quirk as it sets Do Re Mi School of the Arts apart from every other children's theatre company in town. We believe that theatre can and should be a character building, learning experience, as well as fun and rewarding. We also believe that participating in the arts builds confidence and self-esteem. We do this by double- and even triple-casting the leads. Casting is based on a variety of factors including age, work ethic, talent, and dedication. Our youngest members often start as chorus members and work their way up to speaking parts. This teaches our students that no matter your talent, everyone must pay their dues. We teach our students that it's not about what role you get or how many lines you may have, but that theatre, just like any team sport, is about everyone working together to achieve the same goal. If you can make a starring role out of being in the chorus, you will have what it takes to succeed in theatre, and more importantly, in life. Over the years, we have found that the students understand and appreciate the fairness of our philosophy. We have also found that our parents appreciate the valuable lessons their children learn while in our program. The end result is a fabulous production put on by a TEAM of talented performers.

Aladdin Kids - Spring 2024

Beauty and the Beast Jr. - Spring 2024