Countdown to the spring concert!
Important Semester Dates
Monday, February 17 - Presidents’ Day (NO CLASS)
Monday & Tuesday, March 10-11 - Spring Break (NO CLASS)
Saturday, May 10 - Spring Concert
Monday & Tuesday, May 12 & 13 - Troopers & Players Performances
Spring Concert - Saturday, May 10, 2025 (2 CONCERTS!)
Do Re Mi
”New York State of Mind”
Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts
7380 E. 2nd St.
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal: Please find your students appropriate concert and dress rehearsal time below. Have them arrive at the theatre in full costume, hair and make-up. Please be 15 minutes early so we can stay on schedule. Check-in and drop your children off in the front of the theatre. A helper will be there wearing a Do Re Mi shirt to welcome your child and escort them into the theatre. No parents will be allowed in the theatre during rehearsal or backstage during the performance.
Saturday, May 10
12PM Concert - Take-A-Bow, Ages 4 - K Just Dance & Encore
*Students will stay with us after dress rehearsal until showtime.
10:45am - Take-A-Bow
11:15am - Ages 4 - K Just Dance
11:30am - House opens
12:00pm - Show #1
6PM Concert - Notables, Act One, Spotlighters, 1st - 8th grade Just Dance & Encore
*Student will be escorted back out to the lobby after their allotted dress rehearsal time.
2:30pm - 3:00pm: Notables
3:00pm - 3:15pm: 1st & 2nd grade Just Dance
3:15pm - 3:45pm: Act One
3:45pm - 4:00pm: 3rd & 4th grade Just Dance
4:00pm - 4:30pm: Spotlighters
4:30pm - 4:45pm: 5th - 8th grade Just Dance
4:45pm - 5:00pm: Opening (select students)
5:00pm - 5:30pm: ALL students back to the theatre for finale rehearsal. We will take them into the dressing room until showtime!
5:30pm: House Opens
6:00pm: Show #2
Tickets & Flowers will be on sale later this semester.
Spring Concert 2019 - “Join the Circus!”
Troopers & Players Performances
Mountain View Church
8050 E. Mountain View Rd.
Scottsdale, AZ 85258
Troopers (Peter Pan)
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal: Monday, May 5, regular class time
Performances of “Peter Pan”
Monday & Tuesday, May 12 & 13
Student Arrival Time: 5:00pm
Showtime: 5:30pm
Length: 30 minutes
Admission: Tickets are $6 and will be sold at the door.
Audience Limit: Due to limited seating capacity, we are requesting that each student bring no more than 5 audience members to each performance.
Players (Seussical Jr.)
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal #1: Tuesday, April 29, regular class time
Mandatory Dress Rehearsal #2: Tuesday, May 6, regular class time
Performances of “Seussical Jr.”
Monday & Tuesday, May 12 & 13
Student Arrival Time: 6:30pm
Showtime: 7:00pm
Length: 60 minutes
Admission: Tickets are $6 and will be sold at the door.
Audience Limit: Due to limited seating capacity, we are requesting that each student bring no more than 5 audience members to each performance.
Billing Procedures and Calendar
A quick note on tuition
A quick reminder that tuition is on a per semester basis (broken down monthly). For example, there will still be a tuition payment due before May even though there will technically be no show choir/hip hop classes during that month. Please let us know if you have any questions about this.
Our per semester tuition is broken down into even monthly payments. If you would like to pay the semester in full, please let us know and we can send you an invoice with the full breakdown. Please note, we do not pro-rate tuition.
Show Choir Classes (Take-A-Bow, Notables, Act One, & Spotlighters)
$325/semester ($65/mo.)
$325/semester ($65/mo.)
$375/semester ($75/mo.)
Hip Hop
$200/semester ($40/mo.)
Billing Calendar
January 6 - Tuition Due
February 3 - Tuition & Costume Fee Due
March 3 - Tuition Due
April 1 - Tuition & Recital Fee Due
May 5 - Tuition Due
*All tuition, costume and recital fees must be paid before the May 10 concert.
Parent Portal & Payment Options
Once you are a registered family of Do Re Mi, you’ll have access to the parent portal. Here, you’ll be able to pay tuition and enroll in future classes. To access the portal, visit and click “parent portal”.
You will receive an invoice via email each month for tuition. Tuition is due on the first class of each month. There will be a $15 late fee posted to the account if we do not receive payment by the 15th of each month. We offer two payment options.
Option I. Auto-Pay with debit/credit card via parent portal
Option II. In-person cash or check payment
Checks can be made payable to “Do Re Mi School of the Arts” or “Do Re Mi”.